MaslowCNC another project ive been working on not ready yet though has parts and kits available for making one. 500 USD or you can DIY one over time for 300 CAD excluding router.



  • 2 motors with encoders – $50 ea – $100 USD total
  • Arduino Mega 2650- $20 CAD
  • H-Bridge arduino shield – $10 CAD
  • chains $10 ea x 2
  • lumber 4 2×4. ? x $7ea
  • router – 200 CAD
  • extra motor for z axis. 5 – 10 dollars depending on size. 28byj motors are 5 dollars with their own driver.



Hardware Setup



Clone these repos.

also makerverse software for the new m2 boards are available


basically just screw it together after setting the legs adjust the rear top screw to make both triangles match

i bought 2 10′ 2×4 and used scrap for the rest choosing the straightest for the top rail.


i used halfway so 6″from the bottom on rear

a cutoff saw helps shorten the pieces to the same length. i used a skill saw for the rest and 2 saw horses 2×4 dont even need a full square line to make great cuts.

3″ screws were used on mine and nothing poked out


my end result