Best way to get a site or blog up running fast. easy enough anyone can get one going ( hobohost is very responsive and helpful )
cost around 30 dollars for 3 years of domain registration. 11 dollars for hosting each year.
firstly get an account and domain at allows paypal and avoids needing to publish name for DNS registration information encase you register domains for other people aswell or like to keep your name private. great for non adult content hosting. even provides a free subdomain so you wont need .com or .net register. -has adult content option 1.5gb space 11 dollar CPANEL hosting for each year has softolacious installer with upto 10 sql based script installs. same price as hobohost, comes with own ssl cert and can support adult content on the terms of service.
point the namespro account to the provided nameserver example – keeps your real name private for dns querry’s, pay the extra 1 time fee of 8 dollars during account creation.
register for both then point the namespro account to hobohost nameservers and it should be ready.
some good scripts to install.
- wordpress – content management system CMS
- opencart,- online sales has paypal plugin and nice admin frontend
- pastebin,
- zenimage – image gallery.
- claroline – open source online schooling system
- tinytinyrss – news feed generator/reader based on other feeds
easiest way to make a news site like this one was to install wordpress then install tinytinyRSS and get the wordpress plugin for it and the newspaper theme from wordpress admin panel.
Custom Hosting Solutions
a webhosting server with EHCP Linux sets up on ubuntu with a bit of effort. (going to publish a virtualbox image one of these days)
another easy way to host simple small servers is using OpenWRT routers with Apache2 or Nginx running. some ISP’s require ssh tunnel to do port forwarding to allow access.