Computer/Hardware Tips

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also the trending direction things are going is its nicer to have software and games for offline use. things like voice recognition / dictionary’s / books / music etc.. DRM has a ways to go still for opensource and accepted practice.


usb capture card

1080p almost realtime recording with elgato hd60 s


ps3 eyetoy works great with opencv “logitech quickcam 9000 pro” are supposed to be pretty good too.

Cannon ti3 really good 16MP camera, battery lasts along time. has really amazing autofocus capability’s and lensing options.


Choosing a good laptop is easy find one locally or on ebay. i5 or i7 at minimum these days 2.8ghz are the fastest cores, 4 gb of ram and usb 3. going price is around 300 dollars, even less for damaged screens that still make good desktop computers. older 2010 i5 apples are still useful and plenty fast can be bought for 300 too.

Choosing a good laptop is easy find one locally or on ebay. things to look for are i5 or i7 at minimum these days 2.8ghz are the fastest cores, 4 gb of ram and usb 3. going price is around 300 dollars, even less for damaged screens that still make good desktop computers. older 2010 i5 apples are still useful and plenty fast can be bought for 300 too.

the i7 620 is almost ideal for price and availability on ebay search for lenvo laptops.

intel 4xxx series has 4 cores

intel 2xxx series have 2 cores

the m series chips use 35 watts and the newer 6000 chips only use 15 watts

i7-2620M make very nice laptops and are probably one of the easier to get ahold of for good price.

2019 the year phones replace desktop computers ?
those Exynos cpu’s look pretty good 2.4 ghz with 4 cores
intel atom has a new cpu too i think

intel-8th-Gen-Core-i7-8550U-Mini-PC-Gaming-pc-portable-Win10-Desktop-pc-Computer looks like best choice hopefully price comes down

typical laptop desktop setup

typical mac setup through a hdmi switch

Choosing a good laptop is easy find one locally or on ebay. things to look for dual core at minimum these days and 2 ghz 2.8 and 3ghz are the fast cores as of 2018, 4 gb of ram and USB 3. going price is around 300 dollars, even less for damaged screens that still make good desktop computers. older 2010 i5 apples are still useful and plenty fast can be bought for 300 too.

one thing i’ve noticed with usb is you have to provide power to your first hub then you can pull pretty much all you want from secondary hubs. harddrives and soundcards will be on the first powered hub. also if you hear any clicking sounds on the harddrive its from being underpowered. it usually still works but is probably not the best for it.

seagate 4tb external drives for $130 CDN are a really good deal. ( 4 blobs of hotglue on the bottom can make it ultra quiet and stay cooler if its too loud on a solid surface) ive had some of mine on for a few years on 24/7 without issues.

there are laptop fans on ebay that can be bought for 5 dollars that have 2 fans and connects via usb. the space was lacking so i used hotglue to add extra lift between laptop and fan and desk. after that i can run i5 and i7 mobile computer at max without overheat issues.

If you like to run multiple operating systems for development try using vnc server + synergy. and qemu or virtualbox for virtual machines.


Toshiba tecra R850 when i connect egpu it makes alot of fan noise, going to try a pcie mini card instead of using port on bottom to see if it helps. improve your firefox browsing experience.


New Laptop

MSI GL63 8RD – pretty good paid 900 CDN , has i7 with 12 threads and geforce 1050 ti


Computer chairs

posture is important if your to be using a laptop for any extended ammount of time its best to get a stand and a usb keyboard for it at the least. also stand and just enjoy being around your desk area sometimes to lessen backpain a few times every day or place a laptop up higher to work from while standing its usually very pleasent feeling if you’ve been sitting or laying too long.

Space AirGrid Seat and Back Task Chair

these are ideal, mine lasted over 20 years of heavy use and stayed together without any cushion issues feels like new for the most part still also sitting on the mesh is nicer on the back for quick movements that are ergonomic compared to cushion.

one thing i did notice after years of use was a bolt head on the right butt cheak was making contact and might have given me sciatic pain. so if you get a pain in the butt stretch dont just leave it and press on it more hoping it will go away. (recently found if you sit on the corner of the chair it can fix / help with the pain) $340 CDN

an easy way to work from bed if you get sore would be to tie peice of string around a 2′ metal arm T style coat hanger rack.

also a system of tensioned cables for a jacket from the roof would also help reduce backpain.