Month: May 2024

netpipe May 30, 2024

i asked chatgpt if i borrow 10 million at 3% interest could i reinvest it at 6% and pay it off and it said “If the borrowed $10 million is reinvested at a 6% interest rate, it would generate a return of approximately $600,000 annually or $50,000 monthly.” could payback itself in less than 20 […]

netpipe May 25, 2024

brain = energy x mass x spacetime x quantum relitivity squared ? Fbrain​=k⋅Pglucose​⋅Rsynapses​⋅Hneural_activity​ k is a proportionality constant that reflects the efficiency and other intrinsic properties of the brain.

netpipe May 25, 2024

ChatGPT answer Estimating the CO2 emissions caused by the deployment and operation of the Starlink satellite constellation involves considering several factors, including the production, launch, and operation phases. Here is a breakdown of these aspects: 1. Production of Satellites Manufacturing Impact: Materials and Components: The production of each Starlink satellite involves manufacturing various components, including […]

netpipe May 25, 2024

I wonder if a tank could shoot frozen treestumps milled and injected with water wrapped with wire and packed with an explosive charge(or made from pykrete or epoxy) sometimes wood can be stronger than steel. also metal tips could be added. frozen mudplugs could also work and if there was a way to make them […]

netpipe May 12, 2024

it would be a neat idea to have a large vaporizer that can blast a room/area with enough smoke to stay lightly baked all day(as a guess it would consume somewhere near 4-10 grams of oil per day depending on room size.