Month: January 2023

netpipe January 28, 2023 I’m also freelancing a sunrise and sunset in blender like this.   this can easily combine with the linux app called redshift to make color transitions more comfortable aswell.

netpipe January 26, 2023

5 gallon fabric pots or even 2 dollar 5  gallon pales with holes in the bottom(kosher would be more ideal like icedcream) work great if you dont mind cleaning them out by hand after to reuse them. the roots go through the growbags into the ground providing asmuch or more growth as a 30 gal […]

netpipe January 17, 2023

feels like life turned me into robocop so it could hack on me. and that without its own story it would be useless

netpipe January 17, 2023

seems like life cant work properly until it has its own antivirus. it literally pulls on your ear and teeth and ass until you do

netpipe January 14, 2023

“On May 31, 2022, Health Canada approved BC’s request to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of certain illegal drugs for a period of three years, beginning on Jan. 31, 2023.” opioids (e.g. heroin and fentanyl) cocaine (powder or crack) methamphetamines (meth) MDMA (ecstasy) this is good news for people suffering from illnesses caused […]

netpipe January 11, 2023

Marijuana Strains lots of flavors to pick from before summer for smoking herbs i’ve had great luck and fast shipping with every cannabis seed site sofar. legalization really is starting to assure breeders stability in the seedmarket to setup multiple breeders working on specific strains. there are alot of new catagory for fruit flavors opening […]

netpipe January 9, 2023

feels like someone phones me every hour pushing their poop as hard as they can. (telling me they are pushing down and out) they keep saying their pushing as hard as they can for the last 4 years. maybe its just fentanyl gripping society after xmas.

netpipe January 2, 2023

when life is so annoying it makes you post things on facebook forcefully is whats wrong with social media. literally they would try to wreck your life using facebook if you were some kinda AI developer or super programmer that could write AI’s for others. mine wont let me out of full brain nelsons without […]